My daily life in Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.

Entries from 2016-04-01 to 1 month

Service at church

I played the violin with string quartets for service at church last Sunday.昨日、教会で演奏する機会がまたありました。仕事です!I got music sheets a week ago, these were not difficult.But, we needed to arrange something at church because we…

Car wash

I went to the car wash for first time today!!!I didn't wash my car for 22 months. We had been wanting to wash it, but we didn't know how to do that.Today, my friend asked me to go there together. It was FUN ! I washed it outside and vacuum…

Oral care

アラモの日記よりFrom Alamo's diary冗談じゃないが、わての飼い主は本当にわての歯を磨くようになった。あの悲劇の抜歯6本以来。それは毎晩の拷問。夜の散歩のあと、意気揚々と帰宅するわてを待っている。わては自分の巣に戻ろうと走るが、バカ飼い主はゲー…

My little garden

今日、引っ越してしまった友達(4歳)が お花を持って戻ってきてくれました。 引越したといっても我が家から1マイル先だけ。でも、ちょっと寂しくて引越しカードを送ったところでした。 新しいおうちで楽しくやっているみたいでよかった。 My friend who is …

Bluebonnet Trail

先週末ですがダラスの南にあるEnnisという街にブルーボンネット(テキサスの花)を見に行きました。 去年も行ったけど今年は友達と犬たちも一緒に。 We went to Ennis to see Bluebonnet last weekend. We've been there last year, but this time we were w…

Minetti Quartett

I went to Master Class by Minetti Quartett last week. They came from Austria. The musical students played a piece of string quartet in front of them, then they gave a comment. r This is what they said. 1) think about the tempo on the music…

Delicious cookies

I knew there are cookie boxes in Trader Joe's. ( one of my favorite grocery store) It looks very delicious and Europians. It tempted me, so I tried not to see that, but I bought it last week. I did it!It is really good! I think it is Europ…

Choose the Violin for kids


Alamo fell into the river

Alamoの本日の日記よりわ、わ、わては、、、、い、いま、ふ、ふる、ふるえてて、うまくしゃ、しゃべ、れれれ、ん。ちょ、ちょっと まってお、おくん、、な、、、、ブルブルブル!最近わての飼い主は 外でわてのリーシュを離して「アラモ、カム カム」とかい…

Violin School for kids
